September 21 2022, OurDavie.com - Civil Air Patrol Open House at Sugar Valley
September 2022, Aviation History Museums - CAP History at Dare County Airport Museum
September 16 2022,Winston-Salem Journal - Sugar Valley's Gragg receives DAR Outstanding Cadet Award!
September 3 2022, Statesville Record & Landmark - Iredell CAP trains to serve in emergencies.
September 1 2022, Statesville Record and Landmark - Iredell CAP meets with local educators.
August 9 2022, CAP.News - National Geospatial Team helping assess Kentucky flood impact.
August 6 2022, Enterprise Record - CAP Cadets test High Altitude Balloon Skills!
August 6 2022, Tar River cadets compete in High Altitude Balloon Challenge!
August 2022, Regional Airport poised for future growth. Tar River and Civil Air Patrol mentioned in paragraphs 9 & 10.
June 2022, Hickory Cadet passes Private Pilot check ride on 17th birthday!
June 30 2022, Tar River and CAP mentioned in "Wide Awake Wilson" - Museum joins others in celebrating James Webb Telescope Imaged.
May 2022, Wreaths Across America Radio - Cunningham Field Composite Squadron's Capt Michael Woodruff is interviewed about the squadron's participation in the annual Wreaths Across America program.
May 15 2022, Johnston CAP Cadet off to a Great Start!
April 2022, WWAY3 - Brunswick Energy Awards Grants - Brunswick County Composite Squadron and Civil Air Patrol is mentioned in the video and 1st Lt Rich Sullivan is interviewed at 1 minute in the video!
21 April 2022, Davie Enterprise - USAF Cadet returns to inspire youth. Former Sugar Valley Cadet returns to inspire cadet corps.
31 March 2022, Brunswick County Composite Squadron awards/promotions featured pC3
15 March 2022 ,Greensboro News & Record - Civil Air Patrol mentioned in article re missing person search.
14 March 2022 ,The Enquirer Journal - Local squadron returns to national CyberPatriot finals! Union County Composite Squadron "Sapphire" team is highlight of article!
8 March 2022, Statesville Register and Landmark - Change of Command at Iredell Composite Squadron
21 January 2022, The Daily Reflector: Civil Air Patrol cadets compete in national cybersecurity competition. - Pitt Greenville and Tar River teams mentioned in article.