24 December 2021 - The Daily Advance - Spaatz award presented at Elizabeth City
18 December 2021 - Davie County Enterprise record - She's the commander: Civil Air Patrol cadet earns award, promotion
9 December 2021 - WRAL News - Raleigh-Wake Composite Squadron members participate in Governor's tree lighting ceremony. (cadets march out at around 32min mark and the Governor walks through at about 42min mark).
8 December 2021 - Wake Weekly: Soldier comes home for final salute. Civil Air Patrol support is mentioned in para 17.
11 November 2021 - MyFox8- Civil Air Patrol allows Triad family to give back.
7 November 2021 - Spring Hope Enterprise - Civil Air Patrol celebrates STEM education's origins.
19 September 2021 - WLOS News: Members with Asheville Civil Air Patrol use drones, ground teams on rescue exercise
26 August 2021 - Elderly woman rescued from North Carolina woods through First Air Force/interagency effort.
20 August 2021 - CAP.News - NC Drone Team helps save missing woman!
18 August 2021 - CAP.News - Thousands of Cadets Participating in Livestreamed High-Altitude Balloon Launch - Tar River team featured in photo.
14 August 2021 - CAP.News - Top Public Affairs Award goes to NC Wing's Dunster
5 August 2021 - A day in the life of a cadet at Blue Beret. NC Wing's 1st Lt Cody Mathews highlighted.
18 July 2021 - Randolph Composite Squadron members in the news!! Families find togetherness, ways to give back through Civil Air Patrol!
30 June 2021 - Fort Bragg battalion trains at Richmond County Airport in North Carolina - CAP's support in the AOB Missions is mentioned.
28 April 2021 - Rockingham Now! Covid-19 Vaccination Sites make things easy for those who need them! CAP is mentioned several times in this article.
21 April 2021 - Volunteers in Department of Public Safety Programs recognized during National Volunteers Week. Civil Air Patrol recognized. See para 6.
21 April 2021 - Former Sugar Valley Cadet accepted to US Air Force Academy! Credits CAP for success!
19 April 2021 - Civil Air Patrol's Tar River Composite Squadron members assist local science museum with North Carolina State-Wide Star Party!
19 March 2021 - My40tv - Civil Air Patrol cadet earns top achievement! Great coverage of Spaatz award for Asheville Composite Squadron's C/Col Collie.
Long lines at Duplin County’s first COVID vaccine drive-thru event - Civil Air Patrol personnel can be seen working registration lines.