Funding Request
This information was last updated on 14 JUN 2024
Funding requests are routed to different departments based on the type of training selected. If the incorrect training is selected the request will be denied and required to be resubmitted.
Air Operations Funding Types - Please Select Request Type Below
Emergency Services (SAR/DR) Training
Return to Flight (Previous CAPF5 Pilots Only)
TAA / G1000 Transition Funding
Member Funded Aircraft Rates for FY24
Form98A (Air) Operations Funding Request
Powered Orientation Flight Request Form (NCWGF52) This form is designed to allow Squadrons that do not have a based aircraft to easily request Orientation Flights for their cadets from a neighboring squadron. No funding request is required unless the aircraft is being relocated to the cadets.
Form98G (Ground) Operations Funding Request
Emergency Services (SAR/DR) Training: This funding is used for ground team training, aircrew training and SAR/DR Mission Pilot training or CAPF91 checkride preparation. Please visit the NCWG Emergency Services page for guidelines on funded ES training requests.
For other types of pilot funding requests, continue reading below. Please do not create sorties until your request has been approved and you have a tracking number.
MP/TMP Proficiency is not to be used for Mission Pilot training or CAPF91 checkride preparation, that is a SAR Training request.
The awarding of Proficiency funding is dependent on the availability of funds and on-going mission participation. All profiles will be flown and documented in strict accordance with the approved CAPS 71-4 AFAM profiles available here including tasks that were not completed and the reason: (UPDATED 5-16-2024)
o Profile #4 – Day or Night VFR Currency (172) (Will Only be Approved Every 90 days funding permitting)
o Profile #7 – NHQ Directed Proficiency Profile with Instructor Pilot (This is intended to be used one time for annual Form 5 preparation within 30 days of a checkride)
o Profile #10 – Day or Night VFR Currency (182) (Will Only be Approved Every 90 days funding permitting)
o Profile #16 – Instrument Currency or Instrument Proficiency Check (Will Only be Approved Every 6 Months funding permitting)
o Profile #17 – IP/CP Right-Seat Proficiency Profile (Will Only be Approved Every 90 days funding permitting)
For questions about Proficiency Funding Please Click this Link:
Checkrides: The funding to complete an annual Form 5 or Form 91 check ride. Checkride funding is month specific and must be executed in the month requested unless specifically approved by the NCWG Stan / Eval Officer. Checkrides scheduled for the last quarter of the fiscal year (July, August, September) may be taken early upon approval of the NCWG Stan / Eval Officer or his designee. Pilots are encouraged to submit for funding for a Profile 7 Proficiency flight with a CFI before taking an annual checkride.
Initial and Expired F5 checkrides may be funded if funding is available.
Initial and Expired Form 91 checkrides may be funded if funding is available.
Relocation flights are authorized to and from the check pilot within the set amount of funding provided. Any fuel cost over the approved amount will be at the expense of the pilot. The relocation sorties will be entered on the F5/F91 mission as RELO's.
The checkride funding request must include all requested information to include but not limited to the check pilot name and planned date. If your requested check pilot is not in the list in the form due to not having an email address please add it to the notes field in the request.
For questions about Checkride Funding Please Click this Link:
Onboarding (New Pilots Only): A new member that holds a current FAA pilot certificate but has not been previously qualified as a CAP F70-5 pilot. The new member may be eligible for up to 3 hours of onboarding flight training with a CAP Instructor Pilot. This funding does not include the initial form 70-5 checkride. The checkride request must be submitted under a separate NCWGF98A funding request. This funding is intended to teach the differences in CAP flying and operations and to prepare for an initial Form 5 checkride. It is not intended to bring an inactive pilot to currency and proficiency, that should be attained at the member's expense using the NC-Misc C12 mission or outside of CAP.
To be eligible the member must:
Have completed all virtual courses required for Level 2 Part 1 of the CAP Training and Education program. Cohort courses are not required to be completed for On Boarding funds.
Have all members pilot documentation uploaded to Ops Quals and validated.
Have completed the Aircraft Ground Handling Training located in AXIS.
Completed the Aircrew Professionalism Couse in AXIS.
Have completed the CAPR 70-1 Exam (basic and airplane) located in AXIS.
Have completed the G1000 VFR and IFR (if instrument rated) Ground School in AXIS.
Completed the General Emergency Services (GES) course.
Have received thorough and complete instructions in WMIRS on how to properly create and close a sortie on the applicable mission. Please see the NCWG WMIRS Sortie Completion Training document on the right side of the page for closure instructions.
Have a WRITTEN Training Plan endorsed by the chosen Instructor Pilot and approved by the wing Stan / Eval Officer for the completion of the CAP Form 5 checkride within 30 days. The required form for the training plan is located at the top right corner of this page.
If the member has a 182 G1000 aircraft available at or within one hour's drive from their home squadron then the G1000 aircraft will be used for the Onboarding flights and the initial checkride.
Have completed the LMS / Absorb AMRAD Pilot Training course.
For questions about Onboarding Funding Please Click this Link:
Return to Flight (Previous CAPF5 Pilots Only): A CAPF 70-5 pilot due to no fault of their own, have experienced an interruption in their flying activity that resulted in expiration of their qualifications. The pilot may be eligible for up to 3 hours of return to flight training. This funding is designed to prepare for a Form 5 checkride within 30 days and is not intended to bring an inactive pilot to currency and proficiency. The pilot will attain currency at the member's expense using the NC-Misc C12 or B12 missions or outside of CAP before requesting funding. This funding does not include the initial form 70-5 checkride. The checkride request must be submitted under a separate NCWGF98A funding request.
The prerequisite requirements are the same as the Onboarding requirements above. The pilot must have a WRITTEN Training Plan endorsed by the chosen Instructor Pilot and approved by the wing Stan / Eval Officer for the completion of the CAP Form 5 checkride within 30 days. The required form for the training plan is located at the top right corner of this page.
Funding request will be reviewed and prioritized based on the following order,
Active Instructor Pilots (IPs), Check Pilots (CPs), Check Pilot Examiners (CPEs), Mission Check Pilots (MCPs) and Mission Check Pilot Examiners (MCPEs)
Active Mission Pilots (MPs), Transport Mission Pilots (TMPs) and Cadet Orientation Pilots
Active VFR Pilots (12+ hours PIC time in 12 calendar months)
Inactive pilots (0 < 12hours PIC time in 12 calendar months)
For questions about Return to Flight Funding Please Click this Link:
TAA / G1000 Transition Funding: A current Form 5 pilot who is not qualified in the G1000 aircraft may be eligible for up to two 1.5 hour sorties for VFR and two 1.5 hour sorties for IFR to transition to the G1000 aircraft as funding allows. One sortie for the required transition training to the G1000 NXi / ESP aircraft (N689CP) is also available under this funding type.
The prerequisite requirements are the same as the Onboarding requirements above. The required form for the training plan is located at the top right corner of this page.
Funding request will be reviewed and prioritized based on the following order,
Active Instructor Pilots (IPs), Check Pilots (CPs), Check Pilot Examiners (CPEs), Mission Check Pilots (MCPs) and Mission Check Pilot Examiners (MCPEs)
Active Mission Pilots (MPs), Transport Mission Pilots (TMPs) and Cadet Orientation Pilots
Active VFR Pilots (12+ hours PIC time in 12 calendar months)
Inactive pilots (0 < 12hours PIC time in 12 calendar months)
For questions about TAA / G1000 Transition Funding Please Click this Link:
Cadet Pilot Proficiency: CAP Wings Graduates, AFJROTC Flight Academy Graduate and Cadet Private Pilots are eligible for 1.8 hours of proficiency monthly.
The prerequisite requirements are the same as the Onboarding requirements above except the requirement for Senior Member education.
For questions about Proficiency Funding Please Click this Link:
Documentation of the training conducted is required for all funded training request. Training requests will not be reimbursed if the CAPF104 or CAPF109 are not properly completed. In some cases all of the information requested in the CAPF104 or CAPF 109 may not apply. Do not leave any line items blank. If a line item doesn't apply please add N/A to the line.
Below are samples of properly completed CAPF104s and CAPF109s.