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Emergency Services
Emergency Services
NCWG is proud to call itself home to one of the most active Emergency Services programs in all of CAP, participating in nearly 20 Search and Rescue missions and a variety of Disaster Relief missions each year. With 350 qualified Aircrew members and nearly 250 Ground Team members across the state, our wing has built a solid relationship with North Carolina Emergency Management, and a reputation for always answering the call with highly trained, professional volunteers.
Emergency Services Wing Staff
Directory of NCWG Emergency Services Staff
History of NCWG Ranger Program
A written history of the NCWG Ranger Program, responsible for the high-level ground training of hundreds of our seniors and cadets over the years.
Training Scenarios
A library of prescribed mission-realistic training scenarios for use by our teams.
Evaluation Guidelines
A document containing the process for becoming qualified in new ES positions, and the expectations of our Skills Evaluators. On this page you can also find instructions for how to locate a Skills Evaluator near you.
Recent Missions
Highlights from recent real-world missions of which NCWG has been a part.
Funded Training Requests
Links to our funded training requests (Form 98) and helpful guidelines on how to get them approved.